

i've recently come to the realization that i need to spend more time at home. that sounds incredibly boring and introverted, but it's true. i've been traveling a lot lately. everywhere has been fun and well worth the trip (, but i've neglected my house, friends, pets, bike, and peace of mind. a "homebody" has always carried negative connotations, but i'm ready to admit that i am one. there's nothing better to me than just waking up without an alarm, putting on some house shoes, thudding down the stairs, whipping up some eggs and bacon, and then floating through the day from activity to activity based on where i think i'd have the most fun or most relaxation. i haven't had one of those days for months. i can't say the house has anything to do with it. i haven't been around to tackle any major tasks. roller derby has been the biggest time theif. but i'm managing. i just need to make sure that i factor in some serious "ME" time at least once or twice a month... even if that means installing doors or sanding floors.

last night was really great and just added another reason for me to embrace my homeland. kristin and i went to liberty lands park for the lawn chair drive-in movie "the lair of the white worm".. the movie was so bad it was good. the best part was snuggling up on blakets with our friends and yummy snacks and drinks outside on a crisp cool night. there were a ton of people there because it was the opening night. but it's been going on for 13 seasons or something? i dunno.. it was something i've never done before and it was really great, good clean fun. i'm going to go as much as possible throughout the summer.

i started this blog about my house so i suppose i should talk about it a little bit. *crickets* not much has gone on in the way of major home improvements. but since i've settled a month and a half ago, i've had the electrical system fully updated and repaired by my way-awesome electrician friend Monika. my dad did a TON of small stuff for me - capped my chimney, installed a new dryer, installed a new sink and garbage disposal, braced the drain pipes that were just hanging in the basement, reconnected an air duct, fenced off access to the crawl space from my cats, jacked up a sagging floor joist, figured out that my AC actually does work. my window guy came out a few weeks ago to take final measurements and put in the order. i ended up settling on all historic wood windows on the front of the house and first floor and vinyl windows on the remaining rear. i'm kind of waiting for these to be installed before i get started on any other major projects. i decided i have to view this house with the "baby step" method (like in the movie "what about bob"). baby steps moving into the house... babysteps unpacking everything... babysteps to get new furniture... babysteps to new windows... after the windows i decided i'm going to be baby stepping to three other things: regrading and paving the rear yard, ripping out the carpet and refurbishing the hardwood floors, and demolishing the closet thing in my bedroom. one thing at a time i suppose.

this is a really fun site to read if you're bored: http://phobialist.com/
check this one out: Novercaphobia- Fear of your step-mother.